Thursday, April 1, 2010

Franklyn Finkelstein Advice Guru

I don't usually give out a lot of advice. But I always feel like I have a lot to say. I've been wondering lately if I'm cheating the world by holding back. So I've decided to begin giving advice for men. Maybe there will be the occasional bit for the ladies, but mostly this is advice for dudes from a dude.

Here goes:

Never, ever, say to a lady, let's say your wife or significant other, "I wish I could grow a mustache as good as you." You may mean this to be a knock against yourself, implying that your manhood is diminished because you lack the ability to grow even a basic level of facial hair held by many 17 year old males.

She will think you're calling her a beast.

This is not a fight you want to have. She will never see your point.

I've found it best to never make reference ever to a lady's facial hair.

A happier marriage you will have if you take my advice.